Upgrading from version 1.2 to 1.3

1. Please make a backup of your current installation folder and database.
2. Download TrackThrough version 1.3
Download the latest trackthrough_1_3.zip from https://www.bispark.com/trackthrough/download. and extract (unzip) this to a temporary directory.
e.g.: extract trackthrough_1_3.zip to /temp/trackthrough_1_3.
Copy the contents of includes and resources folder from above download to your current installation.
cp /temp/trackthrough_1_3/includes to /var/www/trackthrough/
cp /temp/trackthrough_1_3/resources
to /var/www/trackthrough/
3. Alter the database table
  1. Assuming 'ttdb' is your current database, run the following queries to alter 'message' table:
    ALTER TABLE 'message' RENAME 'messagerecord';
    Caution: if you had used database prefix in your old installation you may want to modify the above query as appropriate.

  2. Create table 'messageboard'
    Create a new table messageboard in the ttdb database using the following script:
    CREATE TABLE 'messageboard' ('id' int(10) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment, 'message_id' int(10) unsigned default NULL, 'user_id' int(10) unsigned default NULL, PRIMARY KEY ('id'), KEY 'user_id' ('user_id'), KEY 'message_id' ('message_id')) ENGINE=InnoDB;
    Caution: if you had used database prefix in your old installation you may want to modify the above query as appropriate.
4. Edit the config.ini file
Edit the config.ini file in the installation folder as given below:
version = 1.3

resources_dir = resources
java_scripts = js/trackthrough.util.js
5. Change the uploads folder structure
In the ttdb database you may get all the existing project names and their corresponding database identifiers by running the following query:
SELECT `name` ,`id` FROM 'projectrecord';
Assume the current mapping as shown below:
Name ID
abc 2
xyz 1
nop 3
Now change your upload folder contents as below:
Rename /var/www/trackthrough/abc to /var/www/trackthrough/2
Rename /var/www/trackthrough/xyz to /var/www/trackthrough/1
Rename /var/www/trackthrough/nop to /var/www/trackthrough/3