How to send messages?

Please use your login details to be able to send message via the TrackThrough system. Normal, simple users will not be authorised in the form of their permission settings to be able to access sending messages.
screenshot of select task
Select task
Once you have successfully logged into your account, you must select the task in order to be able to access the task. If you have been issued with team login details you are able to send messages to the project owner that has been assigned to you.
If you have been issued with lead credentials, you are authorised to send messages to the team that is working on your projects which you have assigned to them. This is the ideal way in which to keep in touch and keep everyone well informed.

screenshot of task view page
Enter comment details
You will then be required to click on the blue Comment button where you will be able to enter the message which you need to get to users working on tasks you have assigned. You will also have the option to attach and upload documents to distribute information you wish to get to your users.

  Mails and Messages generated by application on user actions.

Sl.No Action Mail To Message
1. Create user User --
2. Create project / task Admin Admin
3. Modify project title and description Admin, Team, Lead Admin, Team
4. Add project description Admin, Team, Lead Admin, Team
5. Add / Remove issue tracking team member User, Admin, Lead User, Admin
6. Project delete by admin Lead --
7. Project delete by lead Admin --
8. Modify task title and description Admin, Team, Lead Admin, Team
9. Comment task / issue by lead Admin, Team, Lead Admin, Team
10. Comment task / issue by admin Lead, Team Lead, Team
11. Comment task / issue by team Admin, Lead, Team Admin, Lead
12. Assign / Un-assign task Admin, Team, Lead Admin, Team
13. Request review task Admin, Lead Admin, lead, Team
14. Close / Re-open / Re-assign task Admin, Team, Lead Admin, Team
15. Delete task by admin Lead, Team Lead, Team, Admin
16. Delete task by lead Lead --
17. Add issue by lead Admin, Team, Lead Admin, Team
18. Add issue by team Admin, Lead, Team Admin, Lead
19. Add issue by admin Lead, Team Lead, Team
20. Close / Re-open issue Admin, Team, Lead Admin, Team
21. Delete issue by lead Admin, Team, Lead Admin, Team
22. Delete issue by admin Lead, Team Lead, Team, Admin