Upgrading from version 1.4 to 1.4.1

1. Please make a backup of your current installation folder and database.
2. Download TrackThrough version 1.4.1
Download the latest trackthrough_1_4_1.zip from https://www.bispark.com/trackthrough/download and extract (unzip) this to a temporary directory.
e.g.: extract trackthrough_1_4_1.zip to /temp/trackthrough_1_4_1.
Copy the contents of includes, mini, resources and scripts folder from above download to your current installation.
cp /temp/trackthrough_1_4_1/includes to /var/www/trackthrough/
cp /temp/trackthrough_1_4_1/mini
to /var/www/trackthrough/
cp /temp/trackthrough_1_4_1/resources to /var/www/trackthrough/
cp /temp/trackthrough_1_4_1/scripts to /var/www/trackthrough/
3. Alter database table
  1. Assuming 'ttdb' is your current database, run the following queries to create 'userpermission' table:
    CREATE TABLE `userpermission` ( `id` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment, `user_id` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL, `permission` tinyint(4) NOT NULL, `record_type` tinyint(4) NOT NULL, `record_id` int(10) unsigned default NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`id`), FOREIGN KEY (`user_id`) REFERENCES `userrecord` (`id`) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE NO ACTION ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1 AUTO_INCREMENT=1 ;
    Caution: if you had used database prefix in your old installation you may want to modify the above query as appropriate.

  2. Alter table 'projectrecord'
    ALTER TABLE `projectrecord` ADD `updated_at` DATETIME NOT NULL DEFAULT '0000-00-00 00:00:00' AFTER `created_at`

    ALTER TABLE `projectrecord` ADD `icon_name` VARCHAR( 256 ) NULL DEFAULT NULL AFTER `description`
    Caution: if you had used database prefix in your old installation you may want to modify the above query as appropriate.

  3. Alter table 'taskrecord'
    ALTER TABLE `taskrecord` ADD `updated_at` DATETIME NOT NULL DEFAULT '0000-00-00 00:00:00' AFTER `created_at`
    Caution: if you had used database prefix in your old installation you may want to modify the above query as appropriate.
4. Edit config.ini file
Edit config.ini file in your installation folder as shown below:
attachment_icons_folder = attachment_icons
version = 1.4.1
default_theme_color = blue

title = "TrackThrough - Index"
title = "TrackThrough - Retrieve Password"
title = "TrackThrough - Projects"
[project view]
title = "TrackThrough - Project View"
[project create]
title = "TrackThrough - Add Project"
[task view]
title = "TrackThrough - Task View"
[task create]
title = "TrackThrough - Add Task"
[task copy]
title = "TrackThrough - Copy Task"
title = "TrackThrough - Bookmarks"
title = "TrackThrough - Teams"
title = "TrackThrough - Leads"
title = "TrackThrough - Register User"
title = "TrackThrough - Settings"
title = "TrackThrough - Profile"
[admin settings]
title = "TrackThrough - Configuration Settings"
title = "TrackThrough - Messages"
title = "TrackThrough - Search Results"
title= "TrackThrough - Error Page"

css = css.png
csv = xls.png
default = attach.png
doc = doc.png
flv = flv.png
gif = image.png
jpg = image.png
mht = mht.png
module = php.png
pdf = pdf.png
png = image.png
php = php.png
odt = odt.png
rtf = doc.png
txt = txt.png
tar = tar.png
xls = xls.png
zip = zip.png
5. Edit mini config
Edit mini/config.ini file as shown below:
module_dir = ../includes/modules
image_dir = resources/images
base_url= http://yoursite.com/trackthrough/mini

templateDir = ./includes/templates
compileDir = ../templates_c

resources_dir = ./resources
style_sheets= ./images/style.css
java_scripts = ./js/trackthrough.util.js

6. Run upgrade script
Open command console, change to scripts folder.
e.g.: cd /temp/trackthrough/scripts
Run db_upgrade_to_1_4_1.php script as shown below:
e.g.: php db_upgrade_to_1_4_1.php
Caution: Please change the localhost, username, password, database name and prefix according to your previous installation settings in the db_upgrade_to_1_4_1.php file.